about us
Bethel Free Clinic
We provide quality healthcare, at no charge, to people who have no health insurance.
Contact Us Anytime

Open Hours
Tuesday: 8 am - 11 am
Thursday: 8 am - 11 am
Closed from 12/23 - 1/3
Double check
our Facebook Page for open hours.
Due to a staffing shortage, Bethel Free Health Clinic is currently unable to offer Tuesday afternoon hours. Clinic hours will be 8 am - 11:00 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Bunco Tournament Fun
Cash prizes were awarded for the most Buncos, the most wins, and the most losses.
Bethel Free Health Clinic Receives $10,000 Grant
For the second time in two years, Bethel Free Health Clinic has been awarded an 'Operation Round Up Grant' from the Coast Electric Community Trust. These grants are funded by the generosity of Coast Electric members who round up their monthly electric bills. Bethel Clinic will be using the grant monies for patient care needs. A big “Thank You” to Sandra Bishop, who wrote and submitted the grant on behalf of Bethel, and to Coast Electric and its generous customers!
Bunco Tournament
On September 25, 2022, Bethel Free Health Clinic volunteers hosted a Bunco Tournament at the Biloxi Visitors Center. Cash prizes were awarded for the most Buncos, the most wins, and the second most wins. Drawings for multiple door prizes were held between each game set.
Boomtown Casino Donation
On August 11, Bethel Clinic was the recipient of a check from Boomtown Casino's July TITO funds. The amount of the check was $2111.47. Pictured, left to right, are Barry Regula, Boomtown General Manager; David Poulos, Bethel Free Health Clinic Board of Directors; Judi Matsuba, Bethel Free Clinic Volunteer; Sandra Bishop, Bethel Free Clinic Volunteer; Kyle Widdows, Boomtown Marketing Director; Ashley Ellis, Boomtown Food and Beverage Director.
Peoples Bank Donation
Each year the employees of The Peoples Bank come together to support local charities. The Charity Committee gives the employees the opportunity to select the charities that they themselves would like to represent. To encourage participation, each employee who raises $100 or more for the chosen charities and volunteers for at least four community service hours receives a day off. This past year 104 employees participated, working 360 community service hours and raising $8200.00.
Two local charities were chosen to be recipients of the funds: Elijah’s Closet and Bethel Free Health Clinic.
Kudos to the employees of The Peoples Bank! We are truly grateful for your generosity!